Signatures play a crucial role for all companies. They ratify sales and employment contracts, formalize partnerships and authenticate administrative documents. However, the handwritten signature has its share of disadvantages: it often requires a signatory to travel or to send a paper document. What if you complete your company's digital transformation process by adopting the digital signature process?

Digital signature: what are we talking about?

Contrary to popular belief, the digital signature process is particularly easy to understand. Indeed, it requires the use of a dedicated (and certified) tool that allows you to send a document to the signatory of your choice. The signatory must then authenticate himself, by SMS or e-mail, before being able to access the document. He then uses his authentication code to validate the contract or quote concerned, which is then signed electronically by you. It is therefore a technological process designed to simplify all your professional interactions while complying with the legal obligations governing document authentication.

Digital signature: many advantages for your organization

The electronic signature process has several advantages, starting with its compliance with the French and European legal frameworks. Indeed, a digital signature has the same degree of validity as a handwritten signature, provided that a certified tool is used. Beyond its legal value, the digital signature also has many practical advantages. It will save you a lot of travel and the need to send your contracts by post. In the same way, the signatories of all your company documents will no longer need to travel to conclude a sale, validate an estimate or authenticate an employment contract. Finally, you will be able to use your dedicated tool beyond national borders: the digital signature process is valid throughout Europe, making it easy for you to manage your international activities. What if the dematerialization of your interactions allowed you to improve the productivity and performance of your company?

Digital signature: step-by-step instructions for use

To take full advantage of all the benefits of electronic signatures, you must first and foremost equip yourself with a high-performance tool. But how do you choose it? Start by checking the certifications it has: for the validity of your signatures to be recognized in France and Europe, you will need to opt for software that has the approvals issued by the relevant authorities. You will also need to consider the functionalities of the tool you are considering adopting. What types of documents does it allow you to sign online? Your software will need to be easily integrated into your existing IT tools, without you having to change your administrative or accounting processes. Finally, the budget will be an important selection criterion: how much money do you have available to complete the digital transformation of your organization and optimize its productivity?